Brainstorm about Graphics in Your Field

According to the Functions of Graphics the five benefits graphic can do that words can't do is demonstrating logical and numerical relations, communicate a spatial information, communicate steps in a process more effectively, can save space, and reduce the cost of documents intended for the international reader.

All these facts are correct and strictly important in the medical field. In the medical there are many reports and data that needs to be presented and many use graphs, charts, images from the research and diagrams to analysis the research. The old saying a picture is worth a thousand words is very true. One graphic can explain a whole page worth of thing without wasting the time, breathe, and paper to say it.

Being a public health major I had to learn how to analysis a graph or picture to save the answer or to understand what a question is asking for. Its a important feature in the medical field because it allows you to visually learn. I am also a visual learner so graphic help me understand things better then just reading about it.  


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