We our a consulting company, we have been hired to help assist a technical company of Universal Assistance with teamwork and collaboration. The company has been dealing with conflicts in the group and looking for a resolution. Our team consist of three members; Ashley White, Jonah Matanky, and Wesley Ochs. Our goal is produce a report to help clear up any problems and show the correct way to produce great products as a team.

First sentence needs improvement: We are a consulting company, we have been hired to help assist a technical company of Universal Assistance with teamwork and collaboration.
Second sentence better word choice: This company has been dealing with conflicts in groups and is seeking for a resolution.
Fourth sentence is good but we need a follow up on how to achieve our goal: We plan on achieving this goal by annotating scholarly articles to support our main claims.

Teamwork and group projects are a common thing in today’s society because of the networking and production of faster outcome.
- Improved sentence: Teamwork is common in professional settings because of the networking and production of faster outcome.

Since the virtual world is taking everything by storm, we researched how to resolve the issues when working with a virtual team and how to become a great team.
- Improved sentence: Since the internet and virtual connectivity has taken the world by storm, we researched how to resolve the issues of working with a virtual team and how to become a great team.


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