DD5HW4 Project #1


Project #1 allow me to learn about a new applications like Google Drawing and Google Forms that is beneficial to my school work. I wrote the documents to help college students and teachers who never heard of Google Forms. Google Drawing is a neat application that can help me edit pictures that I can use in presentation by editing, adding, and revising on the picture that can be helpful in a presentation. Google Forms is also beneficial because I create my own quizzes and test myself to prepare for a test. I highlight the how to create a quiz because creating a quiz is studying along with testing yourself is a good study tool. 

Rhetorical Situation: 
The purpose of the application Google Forms is an application to help users create different templates that they can use in the real world. For examples, quizzes, order forms, surveys and etc. are great tools for office places, students and teachers. The target audience I was focusing on is college students and teachers to use the application to make there school load easier. The context of the document is to understand how to access Google Forms, navigate Google Forms, how to create a quiz and how to send out the form you created. 


What are you most proud of in the entire project? Why?
  • I am most proud of my picture editing out of my whole project because it's something new I explored. I didn't know how it was going to turn out but I got good feedback on my pictures. 
What do you wish you had time to further expand, include, or revise in the project?
  • I wish I had my time to explore the whole application and all the different templates. If I explore more of the templates I could of added more parts to the my instructions for the program. 
When and where did you get stuck while working on the project? How did you overcome your problem?
  • I got stuck on "how to create a quiz" part because its a big chuck of the instructions and the most difficult. It was a lot of steps and I wanted to make sure I cover all the steps. I overcame the problem by having a friend use my instructions and edit my project beside off her questions. The feedback from classmates also help edit and revised my final project. Lastly I went through the application like a new user and fresh mind which help me write better instructions. 

  • What technologies did you use to complete this project? Why were they appropriate? What processes did you take to learn the technology application/s? What did you learn? What more you hope to learn in the future? How/why might you use the technology application/s again?
- Use Google Drawing and Google Forms to complete this project, along with some guidance and help from our book. There were appropriate because Google Drawing help me edit and create notes on the images, Google Forms was the application I used to help me better in school, and the book gave me some insight and examples for the project. I had to learn the processes by playing around the applications and explore the different features. I learn how to use Google Drawing and Google Forms that I will use in the future. I hope to learn about more applications in the feature and find new ways of learning materials. I would this applications again in school for presentations, collect data, and prepare for different test by making quizzes for myself. 
  • Discuss at least three of the course outcomes you feel you worked towards with this assignment. Provide evidence of your learning by pointing to specific aspects of the project.
- My grammar: DD5HW2 Proofreading made work on my grammar by highlighting my issues in my profile. My classmate help me with my grammar by correcting my little mistakes. Also keep reviewing my work help me notice my mistakes.
- Organize my thoughts:When doing instructions I had to think step by step, this help me organize my thoughts and gave me a guidance so I wouldn't be all over the place. 
- Better sentence structure: DD5HW2 Proofreading help me with my sentence structure because of the examples I gave of bad sentence help me realize what a good sentence is suppose to look like.
  • Discuss at least one personal course goal you feel you worked towards with this assignment. Provide evidence of your learning by pointing to specific aspects of the project. 
One personal course goal I feel I worked towards with this assignment is working on my writing style. I never wrote instructions for anything or know how to, but after this project I know how to write a useful instruction for an application. 
  • What did you learn about yourself as a technical writer?
I need slow down when I am writing so I can make sense of everything I wrote and I need to think about my readers compare to my own thoughts. I can do anything I apply myself too. 


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