DD6HW1 Chapter 6 Info about Your Field

  • What are the three largest or most important professional organizations in your field? (For example, if you are a construction management major, your field is construction management, civil engineering, or industrial engineering.)
My major is Public Health which is a broad major because you can go in any direction related to the medical field. 
- American Public Health Organization (APHO): https://www.apha.org is a good website for Public Health majors and field works  because they provide update news about Public Health, continuing education, and information. 
Professional Organizations:
- World Health Organization (WHO): http://www.who.int/en/ 
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov 
- United States Public Health Service: https://www.usphs.gov
  • What are three important journals read by people in your field?
- PubMed/NCBI/NIH: Doctors and professionals in the medical field post there research. 
- A Publication of the American Public Health Association (AJPH)
- Internation Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 
  • What are three important online discussion lists or bulletin boards read by people in your field?
- You can most see bulletin boards and discuss topics related to Public Health on APHO, NCBI, and WHO. Many articles and topics have comments and discussion areas for others can read and write about. 
  • What are the date and location of an upcoming national or international professional meeting for people in your field?
- April 2-8th, 2018 is National Public Health week in Washington, D.C. 
  • Name and describe, in one paragraph for each, three major issues being discussed by practitioners or academics in your field. For instance, nurses might be discussing the effect of managed care on the quality of medical care delivered to patients.
One major issues Public Health professionals are dealing with is health care and providing health care for everyone. One major topic related to it is the Affordable Care Act also known as Obama Care. Since its been in effect maybe people have been for it and against causing problems since Donald Trump wants to end the idea. Over millions of people do not have health care and they are being effect by this issues because they can't afford to keep there health up. 

Another major issue Public Health professional deal with is diseases, they work to prevent and manage diseases. Like the topic of STDs and HIV, is a big market for them because of health risk spread and the effects it has on the community especially with HIV. Public Health professional can work as prevention sources like in schools to educate and minimize the spread of a disease. 

Last minority health is a major health issues in today world and topics. Whites have the best health and life expectancy come to any other race. Mexicans and blacks have the worse because of the disparities assign with there race like location, access to health care, and affordable insurance. Another group of minorities dealing with the same issue is the gay community. They are making headlines about the health problems and becoming a heated debate about there treatment. 

Reflection: I enjoy talking about my field because I am passionate about helping people. Doing the research just help me look at more information I need knew about the various topics related to public health. I know the topic is so abroad but that the beauty of it because your focus and study can change to anything and not being stuck with the same focus is interesting to me. Each project can be different and different target population. 

Taking this english class made me realize the importance of writing and how to reach out to different audience just by words and your tone of voice. Public Health is a very involving program that express a lot of there work through words like prevent methods and aids which needs a english standpoint. 


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