Play with Sentence Variety and Style

Public Health is apart of the medical field with the focus on the population as a whole.

  • New Sentence: Public health goal in the medical field is to protect, promote, and prevent in the population.
In order to understand the population dealing with sickness, diseases, outbreaks you have to understand why it is happening and measure the outbreak.

  • New sentence: In the department of public health it involves sickness, diseases, and outbreaks but it is their job to understand why it happens and how to stop it. Measuring this actions with data can be the start of saving the problem.
Data can range from graphs, tables, images, maps, and etc make up the visuals of public health.

  • Data consist of graphs, tables, maps, and images, which can help the visual needed for public health to spread the information in a infographic.
The new data information source is becoming very popular because it is appealing to the eye and get the point across so the reader can understand the facts.

  • Infographics is a different source of information that is presented to the readers which can appeal to their eyes along with getting the message embedded in the reader.
Data is the best explained for how public health find answers how to do their jobs.
  • Data is the proof for the research and the answer to certain issues public health field workers deal with. Data is also the answer the population wants to see before believing something being stated.
Public health deals with infectious diseases like HIV and etc which is more reason why they present infographics to help prevent it.
  • Infectious diseases is apart of the public health focus and presenting infographics help alert the population about the topic.


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